Wednesday, December 5, 2012

SipSwap 2012

About a month and a half ago two of my dear friends, Jessica Love and Kelsey Macke, announced that they were going to be hosting SipSwap, a way to network with other writers and get a fun mug to help fuel your caffeinated writing sessions.

As you may or may not know, I quit drinking caffeine and have never liked the taste of coffee or tea (which that right there makes me feel like a walking writer fail) but I do LOVE hot chocolate this time of year and I just had to support my friends, so I signed up.

So, a few weeks ago I came home and my husband had already checked the mail and told me I had a package. I am such a sucker for fun mail so of course I ripped that bad boy open.

There was a lovely card and a Hug Mug from the awesome Ghenet! I had never heard of a Hug Mug but as soon as I realized what it was, I knew just how perfect it was for me because there's nothing I love more on a cold day, than warming my hands by wrapping them around a steaming cup of hot chocolate.

I haven't had a chance to use it yet because temperatures in Alabama have been hovering around the 70 degree mark, but I can't wait to use it, hopefully later this week!
The husband thought I should go all Twilight-y with my photo so I had to oblige.
Thanks Jess and Kels, for hosting SipSwap. I had a blast searching for the perfect mug for my draw and I absolutely adore the mug I received.


  1. I've never seen a mug hug before either. What a cool idea.

  2. I've never seen or heard of a hug mug, but it looks like it was perfect for you. I love hot chocolate too! I'm not a huge fan of coffee made at home (I only like Starbucks lattes & stuff) and I don't drink tea. So don't worry, you're not the only one. ;)

  3. CRYSTAL. I love you too, too much. Thank you for being a part of this... I really am happy that it all worked out so wonderfully. :D
    Love you!!!

    1. KELSEY. It was tons of fun and if you guys do it again next year, you know I'll participate JUST because.
      Love you back!

  4. I love this hug mug! It sounds awesome!

  5. Girl. We can be friends. War Damn Eagle! (I'm the black sheep of a die hard Bama family - went to Architecture school at Auburn before transferring back to South in my childhood hometown, Mobile)

    1. Um, yeah we can! War Damn Eagle! I went to AU for a few years and the husband graduated from the business school there.

      SipSwap FTW!
