Thursday, September 30, 2010

Banned Books Week - Harry Potter Series

Oh, Harry Potter. You've been through some majorly rough times. That's not even including all the challenges you faced while attending Hogwarts. You've been banned for promoting witchcraft and wizardry by people who were never going to give you a snowball's chance.

We've heard the protests against all of the Harry Potter books because it has to be one of the more prominent banned books in recent years. Therefore, this is going to be my OMG, I LOVE HARRY POTTER entry.

Why YES, I LOVE Harry Potter! My love affair with Harry, Ron, and Hermione has been relatively short (I only started reading the series in 2008) but that doesn't mean it hasn't been meaningful. You see, I put off reading Harry Potter because the genre wasn't really my thing. Sure, there were plenty of people urging me to read them because of the fantastic story and writing but I kept with my decision not to read them.

My longest online bestie (Allie..11 years!) and I made a deal. She would read Twilight while I read Harry Potter (not an even trade but be it as it may) and when I told my friend and Wildlife classmate about it, she was all about letting me borrow her books. For the next couple of months she would bring me one book at a time and we'd swap before class, discuss it after class and on our breaks between classes. Needless to say, I became hooked. The storyline is just so intricate and re-reading the series is a must. The writing is magical and I would love to be J.K. Rowling when I grow up.

Beginning the series was an experience I never expected to have just as I never expected to fall in love with it as much as I did. Now I have a Harry Potter collection that includes the hardback boxed set, t-shirts, a stuffed Hedwig, 2 movie posters and numerous other items. I have also been to Harry Potter: The Exhibition and the real happiest place on Earth, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. How can you want to ban books that have their own little theme park?! Crazy. 

So thank you Allie for humoring me and making a deal and thank you friend for lending me your books. Only 50 days left until  part 1 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows hits theaters (and also the Weasley Wedding Party Party Anna and I are going to!)

I leave you with a picture of Hogwarts from my vacation.

OH! Check this out, Emma, Daniel, and Rupert took part in ALA's Celebrity READ project. You can view and order the posters here if you'd like.

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