Sunday, October 17, 2010

In My Mailbox (3)

In My Mailbox was started by Kristi over at The Story Siren and all you have to do is post about what books you received that week by mail, library, or store.

This past week I got two books that I have been itching to read, weirdly enough, I haven't started either yet. I'm trying to be good and finish the book I'm reading now.

First, I received Mindi Scott's debut novel Freefall. I completely forgot that I signed up for an ARC tour of this back in July so one day last week it just appeared in my mailbox and I had to pull a Veronica Mars and find out where it came from. Luckily, I was able to. Anymoo (yes, moo), a few days before I received the ARC, the husband and I had gone to Books-A-Million so I could look for it. They didn't have any copies but ordered me one and it came in Friday so now I have my very own copy. The universe just KNEW how much I wanted to read this book. Thanks Universe!

I also got Rick Riordan's first book of a new Percy Jackson related series called The Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero. If you ever read my other blog, you'll know that I fell in love with the Percy Jackson series and almost cried when I finished it. Rick Riordan must have known my anguish because he decided he wasn't done with Percy and Co. The hubs ordered some stuff from Amazon on Tuesday so I told him to add this book since it had been sitting in my cart since July. Two days later when it was delivered, my life became just a tad more complete.

Are you planning on reading either of these? What did you get this past week?


  1. Freefall is on my wishlist. Do you plan to read it soon? I am so longon for an opinion! ;D

    Greetings from Austria,

  2. I love surprises in my mailbox! Great books this week! Happy reading! My IMM is here:

  3. I'm reading Freefall now and love it! I hope you will too. The same thing happened to me this summer when I won The Summer of Skinny Dipping. I entered to win it on Goodreads and never thought that I would, so I bought it when I was on vacation. When I got home, I found out I won it.Thankfully B&N let me return the one I bought.

    If you get a chance, please check out my IMM at

    I'm a new follower.

  4. I can't wait to hear what you think of Freefall. It's one that I've been dying to read too!
